
Saturday, June 1, 2024

How It All Began...

For many years I have followed a 1940s cleaning regime. It helps keep my home clean, organized, and comfortable
As a young mother.. who had no help from her then husband... I had six children at home.. and my house was chaotic. I had always had a love of all things 1940s.. the food.. the fashion .. the movies and the music. My mother knew of my 40's passion and one day gave me a book that was an absolutely fortuitous find.
How a 1940s American Housekeeping book found itself in a little charity shop in a small town in Wales we will never know... but I will be forever grateful
I poured over the pages and devoured every word.. but when I began the routine.. I found it overwhelming and exhausting. But.. I took it one step at a time... adapted it to my own family requirements and a few weeks later everything started falling into place... and it became easier. Especially when I realized that it was ok to get the family involved in doing their share too.
Its absolutely fine to expect hubby to tidy up after himself and for children to put their toys and books away, help clear the table and even wash the dishes. It wont harm them to take the trash out occasionally. The homemaker does so much its unfair for her to feel stressed and unhappy
So I'm sharing my "Clean Regime" with you... that I have adapted from "Americas Housekeeping Book".  And just as I did when I began with the original schedule.. you can tweak it and change it to your own requirements. What works for one... may not work for all

Having a routine... makes the chore of housework easier and saves so much time and energy... It results in a well run home.. with more time to spend with family.. but most of all...

Makes a Happy Housewife

With  Much Love

Mrs  D. x

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